Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Group Concept

For our rooftop we settled on an apocalyptic theme, inspired a lot by the game I Am Alive.
However we agreed that we wanted it to be set in the sort of near future so we could put a spin on some of the designs of things found on a rooftop. We drew up a couple of concepts of a basic rooftop and came up with a sort of final idea for the plan of our roof along with the object on top of it. 
We were originally going to have a roof garden and I was to draw up some ideas for plants, however we had to scrap the idea due to time constraints. We decided that we wanted to keep the colours simple with a main one and chose blue. I think blue fits the theme and the look well. Picture drawn by Alex Porteous.
Our basic idea for gameplay is a timer. We have some pickup object which add time to the timer and you have to collect them and get to the end point before the time runs out or the game resets. We decided on a gas mask as our apocalyptic world is due to a nuclear fallout. 

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