I decided that I wanted to do a staff with the antlers on top as I thought it tied into being a staff from the forest and would feel more like it was part of it and made there, making it perhaps a rarer weapon to collect as it would only be available from one portion of the map. I looked at a few different antler styles including the thicker ones and ones that curved around.
Here I wanted to look at how the staff would look in relation to the human body. Because it was designed around my human character I made it his height and so anyone a bit shorter may find it unwieldy. Someone a foot shorter has it towering over them a bit. The handle may also make it harder to hold in some situations but easier in others. The bottom two images I was looking at poses that would be hard and easy to hold it in, because of the handle the use can rest it on the shoulder with relative ease but it will be harder to hold up like in the first one.
This page I just looked at more ways it could be held, but also how it would look being held from the side and the back. I like the top image better but I think the bottom one looks more natural to hold and it seems unlikely the use would flip this upside down, I probably should have flipped it over, but then it would have just slid down the users arm.
Here I looked at different jewel cuts but I think eventually decided on the trillion but but upside down. There are also a few doodles on things that could hang off it and that the pedestal on top is a circle rather than a bar. I also decided to put more 'traditional' antlers on it so as to not make it so ridiculously bulky.
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